Cap Table Spreadsheet Helps Investors Analyze exit Scenarios
Cap table spreadsheets help investors make sense of their investments. Excel spreadsheets have been the standard for making financial presentations. The Cap table, however, has a leg up on Excel thanks to Google. Translate the typical investor deck into Google sheet and it still to Google cap spreadsheet some startups. Provide tables and give feedback to investors but how do cap tables work?
How do cap table spreadsheet users tell which shares are hot and which shares are not? Google introduced charts to its Google Finance site last year. The charts give a breakdown of stock performance by market cap. Some startup s ignored charts and looked at price action, others looked for related data in other places.
In an article in Harvard Business Review, titled "What Every Entrepreneur Should Know About exit Strategy", David Lazarus refers to charts as a necessary evil. The problem is using the right one. Investors need to be able to analyze the investment properly, and a good cap table spreadsheet should do just that. He recommends using a version of Microsoft Excel that is integrated with Google Spreadsheets.
Creating a Google cap table spreadsheet is as easy as downloading the Google spreadsheet software from Google's website. The first thing to do is open an account. Most users are given a tutorial link where they can learn about using the software. The next step is to sign up for a free email address and password with Google. This prevents hackers from stealing your investor information.
Next, download a template of your choice. The template should be in MS Excel format. MS Excel 2007 is generally used because it is the most widely used application. The MS Excel template also comes with an "E" column which highlights all of the different scenarios that may be involved in each individual portfolio investment.
After downloading the template, open it in MS Excel. You will need to modify the values in the "Workflow" cell so that they match those in the "Cap Table" on your website. For instance, if you have five founder names, you would modify the "Workflow Cells" value in the Excel workbook by selecting all of the names and pressing the keys on the Select List. Each item in the Select List must be in a separate cell. It is very important to match the names in the "Workflow" cell with the names in the "Cap Table" so that there is consistency throughout your organization. Otherwise, if investors are sent a spreadsheet with different founder names, some may view the same information in two different ways.
An Excel 2007 "EVA Table" is a tool designed to help managers plot exit strategies. This tool makes it easier to compare short-term and long-term cash flow forecasts for businesses. The tool also helps you to build your "Cruela" or short-term and long-term profit projections. You can also plot a round-off of your business's average cost of capital over time using the Cruela tool.
Your spreadsheet should always include a cap table as it allows you to build your own version of a "cruela." You can also look like you are being smart when it comes to dealing with your own cap table. For example, instead of making a few minor changes, add a few more columns. The only thing that you have to do is copy and paste the formula into your Excel worksheet and then just fill out the details as shown. This will not only show your potential investors what they would be getting from your company, but also give them an idea about how dilution might affect the value of your shares.